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Template for new braindumps

Below is a template for new braindumps. Replace and remove all occurrences of angle-bracketed texts (<…>) as applicable. Preferably fill it out in the language of the exam, e.g. if the exam was conducted in German, fill out in German even though the template skeleton is in English.

(The template skeleton is deliberately in English since there are English-only lectures and study programs here at the CS department; and maintaining two skeletons would be a bit unmaintainable and lead to inconsistencies across all braindumps.)

====== <subject> <number of ECTS> ECTS Prüfung <date yyyy-mm-dd> ======

<change the link below accordingly to where you saved your wiki page>

===== Meta Information =====
  * Subject: <subject> <number of ECTS>, <term, e.g. WS yy/yy or SS yy>
  * Date: <date yy-mm-dd>
  * Type of Exam: <oral/written/multiple choice/StudOn exam>
  * Examiner: <full names of examiners>
  * Grade: <your grade if you wish to disclose>
  * Undergone Preparation
    * <free text, e.g. answer: How much did you study? Had you been actively collaborating throughout the semester, e.g. in lecture and/or exercises? Which parts of the lecture have you skipped? Would you recommend your preparation style?>
  * Evaluation <free text, below are sample questions>
    * <How was the atmosphere? Relaxed? Nervous? Did you feel time pressure?> 
    * <Did you think the exam and grading was fair?>
    * <How did the examiners want you to answer things? In technical subjects, were precise pin-pointing answers expected or were sketches (and displaying more conceptual understanding) okay?>
    * <Have there been any things that took you by surprise?>

===== Exam =====

<if your exam is structured into topics, create a header for every topic as shown below>

==== <topic X> ====

* <question from examiner>

> <your answer>

* <another question from examiner>

> <another answer of yours>

==== <topic Y> ====

* <question from examiner>

> <your answer>

* <another question from examiner>

> <another answer of yours>

Alte Liste von Strukturierungsideen auf deutsch

Als kleine Hilfe:

  • Prüfungsfach?
  • Prüfer?
  • Wie verlief der Einstieg in die Prüfung?
  • Welche Fragen wurden dir in der Prüfung gestellt?
  • Welche Antworten hast du gegeben bzw. welche wollte der Prüfer/die Prüferin hören?
  • Wie genau sollten die Antworten sein?
  • Gab es Besonderheiten? Hat dich etwas überrascht?
  • Wie war die Stimmung? Wie wirkte der Prüfer/die Prüferin?
  • Wie und wie lange hast du dich auf diese Prüfung vorbereitet?
  • Kannst du deinen „Vorbereitungsstil“ weiterempfehlen?